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#72552 - Alan stared at the paper for at least a minute, almost unable to believe what he was seeing, as the big red C in the left hand margin was like a dagger in his heart!!! This just couldn't be true, he had worked like a dog on this paper and after two years of college he certainly knew high quality work when he saw it, and dammit, this paper was a helluva lot closer to and A+ that a C!!! How in god's name could she have given him a C, he had to pull and A to keep his scholarship current so he always put out maximum effort in all of his classes!!! He was about to raise his hand and ask a question when the professor offered, If any of you has a question about your grade, I'll be in my office right after class until four thirty, it will be first come first serve, okay class, that's all for today!!! Damn straight he was going to stop in and see her, he wanted an explanation and he wanted it now!!! Alan knocked on the frame of the open door and asked, May I see you for

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