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#182164 - I want to be yours, however you might want me, and I will use whatever words make you the happiest, as your happiness thrills me. It is not for everyone, like myself, it is only for him. Even when I am bad and you must punish me, I want you.

Read Gay Broken Oikomi Wo Kake Te Kokoro Wo Atta Furyousyounen Wo Josou Sase Densha no Naka de Futokuteitasuu ni Uri Wo Sasetatta Masturbandose Oikomi Wo Kake Te Kokoro Wo Atta Furyousyounen Wo Josou Sase Densha no Naka de Futokuteitasuu ni Uri Wo Sasetatta

Most commented on Gay Broken Oikomi Wo Kake Te Kokoro Wo Atta Furyousyounen Wo Josou Sase Densha no Naka de Futokuteitasuu ni Uri Wo Sasetatta Masturbandose

Midori takamine
Aurora e. juutilainen
I love thrill so much and i love you swallow it all
Karin asaka
Somone give me her name please